New Member Request


05 Feb2025
CIRCULAR NO.117/2024-25
Compliance of RPO by offset through REC for the year 2024-25.
04 Feb2025
CIRCULAR NO.116/2024-25
Addendum to be created for the WEGs completed 20 years in the existing EWAs-Regarding.
29 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.115/2024-25
Additional Surcharge–TNERC first time determined the Additional Surcharge @ 70 Paise/Unit with effect from 16.04.2021 in MP No. 18 of 2020-TASMA filed appeal before the Hon’ble APTEL and Hon’ble APTEL dismissed the appeal in Appeal No. 177 of 2021-TASMA filed further Civil Appeal before the Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 3021/2022-Petition of TASMA admitted on 28.01.2025 and ordered to be heard expeditiously-Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court-Communicated with comments-Regarding.
25 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.114/2024-25
New Categorization of Industries for the Pollution Norms–CPCB releases the new list with new Categories–Regarding.
25 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.113/2024-25
Public Holiday due to Bye Election to TN Assembly for Erode (East) Constituency on 05.02.2025-Regarding.
20 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.112/2024-25 To
EPFO–Simplification of Transfer of Provident Fund Accounts-Regarding.
18 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.111/2024-25
Renewal of Running License under the Local Authority (Panchayats)-Reminded.
18 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.110/2024-25
TNPCB-Calculation of Gross Fixed Assets (GFA)-Regarding.
18 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.109/2024-25
TNPCB-Consent Orders to be renewed both under the Water Act and Air Act-Renewals only through online-Renewal Applications to be filed on or before 31.01.2025-Regarding.
06 Jan2025
CIRCULAR NO.108/2024-25
Consumer Price Index (CPI/DA)-For the Month of NOVEMBER 2024-Communicated.
Special Project243911721156