Contributions To Environment

- Wind power is a renewable energy and there is no depletion of natural resources and it ensures sustainable development through generation of eco-friendly power.
- The Project promotes conservation of natural resources including, land, forests, minerals, water and ecosystems.
- About 17 river basins, 61 reservoir and 41,948 tanks can be protected by these windmills.
- 2000 species of wildlife and 3000 species of fauna are preserved. Local nurseries are flourishing.
- There is no emission in wind power, no treated effluent since there is no water consumption, no problem of solid waste handling and there are not much of noise and heat emissions.
- By developing this project in Tamil Nadu, the State has conserved almost 90% of India's lignite reserves, 45% of magnetite and over 40% of garnet.
- The windmills are used for pumping water for drinking purposes or minor irrigation that is very important in rural areas, where potable water for most locals are less than 40 litres per person per day.
- There are no hazardous waste eliminated into the air, that cause acid rain harming forest, wildlife and human health. State’s official trees Palmyra have been protected. Trees are growing taller.
- The area around the windmill will be used for plantation. TASMA has planned to plant Jatropha (Oil from Jatropha curca seeds are used for making Bio-Fuel) in all these sites.